

SRB2Kart Creations

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart (SRB2Kart) is a standalone fangame mod of a standalone fangame mod of Doom. It's a kart racer with Sonic Characters and all sorts of Fan Created Content! You can find it and its message boards here!

I, however, have always had anxiety about posting in message boards, so instead, I'm just going to link all of my creations here.


All of these characters are made using fickleheart's Kartmaker and the provided template

Major General

It's everyone's favorite FFXIV minion! I drew all of the kart sprites as well as Major General, and the sounds are from Sega Bass Fishing! This one's huge!

Phantom (Otherwhere)

The first of at least more than one kart characters that I've made based on characters from Masks Actual Plays, this one is Phantom from Otherwhere (@OtherwherePod on twitter)! The voice clips are pulled directly from the podcast, where they are played by Charlie (@magical_pride on twitter)