Precure Podcast Engage
Twitter: @PrePodEngage
RSS Feed: https://precurepodcastengage.wordpress.com/category/podcasts/feed/
Wordpress Site: precurepodcastengage.wordpress.com
Precure Podcast Engage is a show about the Entire Pretty Cure Franchise (and also Ben 10) that I co-host alongside my Wonderful Boyfriend, Charlie! I actually had never seen any of Pretty Cure before starting this podcast, but so far it's been pretty good! (and also pretty gay!) We've also been keeping a list of media that we think counts as Magical Girl or not. For Example: the Teen Wolf TV Series is, but Yu-Gi-Oh (Original Duel Master Flavor) is not. We also did an episode that was just 50% Cathy Comics?? Updates on Sundays!
Series We've Watched/Are Watching
- Futari wa Pretty Cure
- Ben 10 Season 1
- Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart